i'll try to learn c programming language at home. as i have computer ,internet at home as well as library facility next door. is there part time course available in edinburgh,scotland?
How can i learn c programming language fast ?
If you want to create any kind of software, you first have to learn programming in general.
Your first step should be to get a good book that teaches you the fundamentals. A good book to start is:
(I strongly recommend the python version here)
This book is so well because it does not waste time teaching you a specific language or libraries but concentrates you on how to program.
Then you need to learn object oriented programming. A good book that does this is this book about Java:
"Thinking in Java"
and you need to know about low level programming. Here, I recommend this book:
"The C Programming Language"
And then, to become a really good hacker, you will have to read this one:
"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
there is a free online version here:
IMPORTANT: Beside all the reading, you have to constanly read other programs and write your own code. These three things are pretty much equally important to make fast progress: reading books, writing code and understanding other peoples code.
As an somewhat alternative route, Peter Norvig, one of the greatest thinkers of our time, has set up a document a while ago that teaches a good way to become a good programmer:
"How to become a programmer in 10 years"
I'm not sure if this is a fast way to become a good C programmer, but it is the fastest way I can think of.
Reply:For the syntax and some concept you need no more than a couple of hours... Search on the net for some C tutorials.. If you also want to be good at it... it will take several years of practice, so start writting some code asap :D...
Reply:My advice: I am a software engineer designing video games at this point; The coding language "C" is rather old and rarely used much any more. You should look into OOP, object-oriented programming. The language to study is C++ (C plus plus) then C# (C sharp). Follow this link and closely read all the contents for C++. It is very good. After you read this and try to understand it, search Google for more C++ info.
Reply:http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/ is probably the best textbook on C. do not listen to people who say that C is bad and OO is the answer. any programming language is simply a tool. you always need to match the right tool for a given job.
you can't.
Reply:Search the internet for C Programming for Beginners. I included a link below, but you can find lots more on your own.
Reply:Learn original C? Just google in "c tutorial"
Reply:better u start urself first from the most basic books written specially for "C",it's Let us C by yashwant Kanikar,and Ansi C by Balagruswamy,Both are Asian books and you can get these books easily,moreover you can get Denis Ritchie's book online for C,he is father of c,moreover the puzzle books for c can help u to get practical knowledge of c,in one of ur answers to ur Q?,some said it is an obsolete language,but to the knowledge of my extent it is the best and open so u must go for it and learn it the best possible
Reply:I suggest you to check out the following links:
and more....
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