Sunday, August 2, 2009

C++ question about imput using cin?

Just a quick one.( I'm using a library computer so I don't have access to a compiler)

If I were to prompt for a value from the standard input stream (keyboard) and use the statement;

int num1,num2;


And when I run the .exe and get the following output:

"Please enter two numbers:"

To which I type in the following:

24 25

Which is 3 spaces, the number 24, 3 spaces, the number 25 and 2 spaces. Will the variables num1 and num2 receive the vals 24 and 25 as expected? So spaces play a part in this

input or is C++ smart enough to pick out the numbers from the stream I provide from the keyboard?

C++ question about imput using cin?
cin ignores whitespace, so any thing like a space or return character regardless of the number of them are ignored. So yes, num1 would be 24 and num2 would be 25.

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