Monday, May 24, 2010

Need a C++ Project for CBSE 11?

CBSE Class 11,

Need a good program .

Please suggest website link or send me 1 if you have


It could be on any form , such as airline managemnt , banking , library. Just any one will do . Ty

Need a C++ Project for CBSE 11?
copy the code;

i have tried to make some thing like KBC.

you can edit the code and add more questions.

please send the code if any changes made.







Made By Shashank Shastri

Mail Any Comments Or Doubts To*/


* *



void q1();void q2();void q3();void q4();void q5();void q6();void q7();

void border();

void start();

void set1();

void right();

void wrong();

int x1=35;

int x2=355;

int y1=345;

int y2=415;

int i=0;

char ch;




void graphics()


int aq1=VGA,aq2=VGAHI;






void border()































void set1()





void right()

{setcolor(RED);outtextxy(150,200,"RIGH... ANSWER");}

void wrong()

{setcolor(RED);outtextxy(150,200,"WRON... ANSWER");delay(2000);exit(0);}

void start()









outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-170,getmaxy()/2-... TO KBC");




* *



void main()
















void q1()


outtextxy(15,280,"1.WHO IS FAMOUSLY CALLED BAPU?"); //1 QUESTION








if (ch=='a'||ch=='A')






void q2()








outtextxy(x2,y1,"RAILWAY STATION");


outtextxy(x2,y2,"RASTRAPATI BHAVAN");









void q3()


clearviewport(); //3.QUESTION



outtextxy(15,280,"3.WHO GAVE THE LAWS OF MOTION ?");








if (ch=='a'||ch=='A')






void q4()


clearviewport(); //4.QUESTION

















void q5()


clearviewport(); //5.QUESTION



outtextxy(15,280,"5.WHICH WEIGHS MORE 1kg IRON OR COTTON ?");



outtextxy(x2,y1,"COTTON ");

outtextxy(x1,y2,"BOTH ARE EQUAL");

outtextxy(x2,y2,"NOTHING CAN BE SAID");



if (ch=='C'||ch=='c')






void q6()


clearviewport(); //6.QUESTION



outtextxy(15,280,"6.WHAT IS THE TENURE OF A GOVERNMENT ?");


outtextxy(x1,y1,"2 YEARS");

outtextxy(x2,y1,"5 YEARS");

outtextxy(x1,y2,"7 YEARS");

outtextxy(x2,y2,"6 MONTHS");



if (ch=='B'||ch=='b')






void q7()


clearviewport(); //7.QUESTION



outtextxy(15,280,"7.HOW MANY WEEKS ARE THERE IN A YEAR ?");








if (ch=='A'||ch=='a')

{ right();cout%26lt;%26lt;"Great your Answer was Absolutely correct You have won nothing";}




Reply:so simple download this and rate me as the best answer f u like it

flower girl

I need a C++ header file... (DxLib.h)?

Does anyone know where I can get the header "DxLib.h" online? I can't find it in my normal library, but need it to compile some code.

From what I understand, I can download the code with DirectX, but since I have a Mac with XCode, that's not gonna work. If the file isn't freely avaliable online, if anyone has this and can put the code online, I would be eternally grateful (and would give you a best answer?).

If you can't upload online, send a copy to dragonlordals @ yahoo . com (remove spaces). Though, for security reasons, I'm not gonna actually open these files unless there's no alternative.

I need a C++ header file... (DxLib.h)?
search it on:
Reply:donot worry

you can get a better project from an expert


Need help in c programming?

Assume that you are required to enter a list of strings into a computer, rearrange them

in alphabetical order, and then print out the rearranged list. The strings must be stored

in a two-dimensional character array. Each string will be stored in a separate row

within the array. You may use any suitable string manipulation functions. One of the

library functions that can be used is strcmpi. Output : String 1: Apple

String 2: Ballroom

String 3: Black

String 4: Brown

String 5: Calendar

String 6: Canada

String 7: Island

String 8: News

String 9: Panda

String 10: Rainbow

String 11: END

Need help in c programming?
Use char *str[12];

or char str[12][256];

C++ for Dummies source code CD missing, where can I get the code?

I just took out the book from my local library but the cd in the back is missing does anyone know where I can get the source code I don't need the compiler I already have one its just I do not fancy typing out all that code.

C++ for Dummies source code CD missing, where can I get the code?
Go to and use the code of the book in the back (or somewhere in the covers) to find your book and the corresponding download, most likely the cd is in that website.

By the way, I would still type the code if you are learning C++ if you have that chance, the learning quality will be much higher and solid than if you take the code. Try both methods by yourself and you will see.

C++ Programming?

what library do you have to include to use the PressEnter function?

C++ Programming?
Reply:You Use The Computer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OR YOUR teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

curse of the golden flower

C++ question?

Can someone explain to me how to use

the is_opened method in fstream library? I have a bit of problem with the syntax. The method would return true if the file can be opened or false if it cannot be. Can you give me an example. Thank you.

C++ question?
bool is_open ( );

Check if a file is open (fstream public member function)

Returns true if the stream is currently associated with a file, and false otherwise.

To determine this, the function calls: rdbuf()-%26gt;is_open()

The stream is associated with a file if either a previous call to member open succeeded or if the object was successfully constructed using the parameterized constructor, and close has not been called since.



Return Value:

true if a file is open, i.e. associated to this stream object.

false otherwise.



// fstream::is_open

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;fstream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main () {

fstream filestr; ("test.txt");

if (filestr.is_open())


cout %26lt;%26lt; "File successfully open";





cout %26lt;%26lt; "Error opening file";


return 0;


This example uses is_open to check whether the file has successfully been opened; If so, it writes a sentence to the file, otherwise it prints out an error message.

Basic template member declaration:

( basic_fstream%26lt;charT,traits%26gt; )

bool is_open ();

Reply:No, the method is for calling by a STREAM (i.e. is the stream pointing at a file, or not.
Reply:To tell the truth I doubt you ever need to use it. To check if a filestream is open you just need to do either

if (!myStream)

or you could do:

if( )

hope this helps...

Help writing C language to write hexadecimal to decimal?

1. Read strings using a function you write called getStr ().

2. Write a function named hextodecimal () that takes in (only) a string parameter representing a positive hexadecimal number and return its decimal equivalent (integer). This function returns -1 if the string provided connotes to a negative number and/or is comprised of invalid characters.

-note: you may not use any library functions in this function- you must write all code necessary to enact the coversion and return the appropriate result.

-this function must accept both upper and lower case versions of the hex character.

-You may want to write an additional function that vets any string for invalid hex character

Help writing C language to write hexadecimal to decimal?
This should do to get you started. The reading strings is simple.

#include %26lt;unistd.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

unsigned int hex2dec( char *s )


unsigned int v = 0;

char *p;

for( p = s; *p; p++ )


if( isdigit( *p ) )

v = (v * 16) + (*p - '0');



*p = tolower( *p );

if( *p %26gt;= 'a' %26amp;%26amp; *p %26lt;= 'f' )

v = (v * 16) + 10 + (*p - 'a');


return -1; /* assume illegal hex char */



return v;


main( int argc, char **argv )


printf( "%s converts to %u\n", argv[1], hex2dec( argv[1] ) );


1). Dev-C++. After Compile & Run, final result doesn't show up, even with: cin.get();?

2). What kind of changes have to be done so this code to become executable:

The Code

All of the following is done in python, with the numpy

library, so don't forget to

from numpy import *

Full source code.

First, we need to transform the matrix of outgoing

links into one of incoming links, while preserving the

number of outgoing links per page and identifying leaf


def transposeLinkMatrix(

outGoingLinks = [[]]



Transpose the link matrix. The link matrix

contains the pages each page points to.

However, what we want is to know which pages

point to a given page. However, we

will still want to know how many links each

page contains (so store that in a separate array),

as well as which pages contain no links at all

(leaf nodes).

@param outGoingLinks outGoingLinks[ii]

contains the indices of pages pointed to by page ii

@return a tuple of (incomingLinks,

numOutGoingLinks, leafNodes)


nPages = len(outGoingLinks)

# incomingLinks[ii]

1). Dev-C++. After Compile %26amp; Run, final result doesn't show up, even with: cin.get();?
Check to see if there is any error or warning which might be causing that.
Reply:Try to run the exe file (of your compiled program) from command prompt .

start -%26gt; run -%26gt; command


start -%26gt; run -%26gt; cmd

cd %26lt;path%26gt; //your program folder

ProgramFile (press enter)

see , whether you get output or error

C++: Changing a number into a string of chars?

How would I change an int variable which is 12345 into a char array with [1,2,3,4,5]?

Tell be the corresponding library please, if there is one.

C++: Changing a number into a string of chars?
Use sprintf.

char buf[32];

sprintf(buf, "%d", nValue);

where nValue is your int variable.
Reply:How about incorporating a straight c fix:

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

int yo = 12345;

char buf[30];

sprintf(buf, "%d", yo);

or if you use a char to hold initially 12345, then it is already in an array.

for(int i = 0; i %26lt; strlen(buf); i++)

printf("%c\n", buf[i]);


How I can use graphics.h file on visual c++?

all the time I compile it said this library not exits . anybody can help me what I cant do when It said this library not exits or where is the place where I cant put header file like math.h normally exits but some library not work so where I will put those header file and where I can get that

How I can use graphics.h file on visual c++?
This package does not exist for Visual C++. You'll have to use the standard packages.

C++ string functions help?

I need to write a library similar to the %26lt;string.h%26gt; header file. I need help writing the following functions. They are included in my own class called "string".

void resize(unsigned int, char);

//resizes character array "Buffer" to number specified by

//first parameter

//fills extra space by the second parameter character

void insert(unsigned int, string %26amp;);

//Inserts a string into "Buffer" a character array.

//First parameter: Place to insert

//Second parameter: string to insert.

void remove(unsigned int, unsigned int);

//removes characters from "Buffer", a character array.

//First parameter : Starting position,

//Second parameter : number of characters to remove.

C++ string functions help?
Okay, this is pretty obviously homework. I won't show any code here, but I'll give you an idea how to implement the functions listed.

First, void resize(unsigned int, char); It has to do these things in approximately this order:

Validate int as greater than zero, or the operation is over before it starts. Next, it needs to allocate memory for a new Buffer with the extra space. Oh-oh. How do you find the buffer if it doesn't return a pointer or a reference to it? Better change the return type to char%26amp; or char *. Okay, now the new characters are written into the new buffer and then the old characters ... Oh-oh, we need to know where that things at too. Better include a reference or pointer to the old buffer as a parameter. So we take the old buffer and move the old characters over into the new buffer behind(?!) the new characters. Rats! Do we need to consider that the new characters should always be prepended or appended or does it change?

void insert(unsigned int, string %26amp; old_string, string %26amp; new_string); maybe?

void remove(unsigned int, unsigned int, string %26amp; buffer);

Unless you MUST follow these exact prototypes for your assignment, you may want to consider these modifications.

I think you can work these last two from the first walk through I gave you. They aren't really any different as to the mechanics of the problem, just what information is needed to operate from. Good luck!
Reply:I can understand that. Next time post partial code with specific questions and I (we?) can take the sting out of those sticky points. Sorry to be a drag. Cheers! Report It

Reply:Sounds like homework to me...

And if you can't do these simple things, you are in trouble!

Do it as a for(i=..;i%26lt;..;i++) loop, and use Buffer[i].

(or review the use of pointers: that's the beauty of C)

C.D. Burner?

My CD burner has been working all day, but after I went through and deleted songs that I don't need anymore out of my library, It won't burn. what can be done to fix this?

C.D. Burner?
Don't download Nero unless you want a whole new burning program.

I don't think it's got to do with deleting stuff out of your library, just a concidence(sp?). Maybe the burner cd drive itself?

C program to add two non-negative integers , without using +, -, *, /, ++, --, %?

Assume both the no. be less than 16383,Don’t use any standard library function too (except printf and scanf, for output and input).and without using above mentioned operator anywhere in ur programme

C program to add two non-negative integers , without using +, -, *, /, ++, --, %?
I won't write the code for you, but take a look at what he *DIDN'T* tell you not to use. Conspicuously available are all the bitwise operators. Perhaps a binary manipulation answer? Hmmmm....

song words

I am using Borland C++ 5.5 compiler. I wrote the code and I added #include <graphics.h>,an error displayed

The error says" Unable to open %26lt;graphics.h%26gt;". Is there a missed "graphics" library in the Borland compiler?

I installed "graphics.h" from another site, but more errors appear especially in this library:(

What is the solution? any answer will be appreciated..

I am using Borland C++ 5.5 compiler. I wrote the code and I added #include %26lt;graphics.h%26gt;,an error displayed
Try #include "graphics.h" and put graphics.h in the same directory as your code.

C++ fstream help?

First off im not even sure if the function im looking for is in the fstream library. What I'm trying to do is make a program that fetches lines from a textfile and writes them to a separat string for each line. Lets say i have a 3 line text file that looks like this


whats up


i want the program to write line 1 "hello" to a string, and line 2 to a different string, and so forth, how would i do this?

C++ fstream help?
You would need to declare an array of strings, and read each line into the next index.
Reply:Do you want to store each line for later processing, or do you want to just print out what's in the file, one line at a time?

C++ file monitor?

what library and function would i use to detect size change and possibly content change of a running file?

C++ file monitor?
You mention linux compatible. However you are writing for linux only then you can look at "inotify". It's system call and you need a kernel beyond, if I recall, 2.6.12. Check you kernel version and do a web search for inotify if it isn't already in your man pages.
Reply:I think you want FAM, the File Alteration Monitor

For windows an OS X you have to use different libraries - there's no cross-platform solution I know of.

Ask HELP from programmers who know C?

my question is here :

I'm working on a project for making a defragmenter and I can't find un example for how to use the fonctions like : FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP , FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS , and .....

and I want to know too , is there any library that I must include in my programme or not.

I repeat I comprehence the algorithme but I search a clear example of using these fonctions or a good explaining.

I searched on Internet and I found the examples but there was not clear and comprehensible.

thank you very much.

Ask HELP from programmers who know C?
I can't tell you directly, but I have found Google's "code search" to be very helpful in the past. It basically gives you the ability to search through a lot of open source code, so I imagine there could be a lot of examples out there where these are being used:

song titles

What does file:/c/documents%20and%20sett... not seem to be a valid podcast url and try again

mean?i got rid of limewire got frostwire heard was better. every things fine except when i drag and drop 2 itunes library i get message i indicated above.whats wrong?limewire was fine in adding songs 2 itune library it says make sure u entered correct url?

What does file:/c/documents%20and%20sett... not seem to be a valid podcast url and try again
Well I've never used frostwire and I try to stay away from itunes, but from what it looks like, there is one of 2 problems:

1) frostwire is telling itunes it is sending it a podcast instead of a file, or else itunes thinks it's getting a podcast for some strange reason. You might be able to fix that with a setting in frostwire.

2) it should be file://c/ etc (two slashes after file:, not one) that is the proper format for a local file URL.
Reply:that url is a location on your own pc, not the internet.

Looking for a free windows C C++ compiler with IDE that supports DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE?

I'm currently using lcc-win32, but it doesn't seem to support the ability to allow a device to be ejected such as an ipod. more details on DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE here

thanks jc

Looking for a free windows C C++ compiler with IDE that supports DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE?
You can't beat Visual Studio for an IDE and the Express version is free.
Reply:Visual C++ Express is just AWSOME. You may download it and register for FREE for a limited time, and the license DOES allow for creating commercial applications, etc.

Check out you don't actually have to use any of the .NET features, and use it just as a great compiler/IDE.

V.C Andrews online?

Does anyone on here know where I can find some VC Andrews to read online? i normally would go to the library or buy them but ive cleaned out the book stores here, and ive got fines on my library card i cant begin to pay off until the begining of next year (long story).

ive got bits and pieces from all of the series' and i dont have a single complete set. i would like to be able to finish the sets i have but ive looked and cannot find anyplace that offers there free.

V.C Andrews online?

I looked at one 'page' full of V.C. Andrews books, used and new paperbacks mainly, and the bulk of them cost $0.01. The most expensive one was $3.00.

If you can't pay the fines on your library card, I guess you know they would let you sit there and read as long as you want, right? I just mention it in case it's an option.

Amazon is all I looked at. Try the link to see, if you like--


Help with C++ program! (use structure)?

I need to write a program that will serve as a library. The program will contain a structure called library and also contain the following variables - book name, catalog numberm, fiction or non fiction, and author. The structure will declare 3 objects, book1 , book 2 and book 3. The program will input all the information for the variables and output to the screen.

Could someone please help me to setup the structure part ?

Help with C++ program! (use structure)?
//I hope you mean for this to be a struct and not a class:

//just start with the struct{.....}

struct bookInfo {

string bkName;

int catNum; //could be float if decimal system

bool isFiction; /* Is this book fiction? TRUE or FALSE */

string authLName;

string authFName; };

/*you can declare book1, book2, and book3 inside your program like so*/

bookInfo book1;

song downloads

How do I get rid of the newline character in C++ using ignore?

I have this class structure, I'm trying to read in strings.

for (int count = 0; count %26lt; num; count++) {

cfile %26gt;%26gt; library[count].name.last;

cfile %26gt;%26gt; library[count].name.first;

getline(cfile, library[count].book.title);

cfile %26gt;%26gt; library[count].book.pages;

getline(cfile, library[count].book.genre);

getline(cfile, library[count].book.other.publisher);

cfile %26gt;%26gt; library[count].book.other.year;


And I asked this guy and he said:

After you cin%26gt;%26gt; name.first and name.last, you will have read "Jk" and "Rowling", respectively, but you've left the newline in the stream. The call to getline will receive an empty line, and when you try to convert that empty string to a number, you get something completely random like 211400.

How do I get rid of the newline character, something to do with cin.ignore????

How do I get rid of the newline character in C++ using ignore?
The guy you asked answered correctly. When reading from an instream object using %26gt;%26gt;, you have to be careful about newlines being left behind.

I could type up the solution here, but someone else has already done so. I'll give you the link:

I'll summarize the two solutions you have. The first, and recommended for beginners to C++, is to avoid cin and use getline instead. The other way is cin.ignore(numeric_limits%26lt;streamsize%26gt;::m... '\n').

Please read the entire article. It is technically accurate as well.

In the future, use Google to find out answers. There's good resources at "C++ FAQ", ,

Why cannot I install Yahoo messenger on company laptop and get error message could not load the dll library?

I extensively use yahoo IM and at this time on an assigment out of home using a company laptop. Tried installaing yahoo IM and get the error message could not load dll library. C:\WINNT\kernel32.dll. The specified module could not be found. However Im able to install other IM softwares like Gtalk, Rediffbol and Skype. What is the problem and why Im not able to install yahoo messenger where as able to install others. Is there any solution or work around to get yahoo installed. Let me know if any one has an answer. Thanks

Why cannot I install Yahoo messenger on company laptop and get error message could not load the dll library?
im wondering if its a company computer if they have settings which stop you downloading messenger. i know some work pcs have that option. you should check with your company if this has happened.

C++ multiple files?

I am trying to test out a new library I just made and I keep getting errors. The library contains a template class named nstack and the main file is called test.cpp. I have tried using the test funtion withing nstack.cpp and it works, but when I move it to it's own file, it won't link correctly. I have nstack.h included in both files (and it does exist, I'm not an idiot), and this is the only error:

test.cpp:(.text+0x8b) undefined reference to 'nstack%26lt;char%26gt;::nstack()'

This appears for any nstack functions I call.

I use g++ on a linux machine, and here is what I type to compile:

g++ test.cpp nstack.cpp -o nstack

Any ideas?

C++ multiple files?
You did code the (whole) template in the nstack.h header file, right? If part of it is in the cpp file that would explain why it compiles with a main() in it but not when main() is moved to another source file.
Reply:The issue is somewhat complicated to explain. Suffice it to say that you probably want to keep your header and implementation all in the header file.

C/C++: Creating self-sufficient executables?


I've tried to search online but I guess I don't have to right keywords in mind to find a satisfying result.

I have seen in the past software which seems to be self sufficient-- and by that I mean that every external library is included in the executable binary itself, so there are a few DLL's (besides the vital ones like mscrt, etc) needed by that program.

Considering I already have the source code of a certain library, is it possible to have it compiled and included in my final executable, rather than being a standalone DLL?

I dont need a in-depth actual explaination, but rather a few pointers (links, articles, manpages) to go into the right direction.

Thanks :)

C/C++: Creating self-sufficient executables?
Yes. DLLs are Dynamic Linking Libraries You want static libraries. Do a search on how to create (and use) static libaries for Windows with your compiler.
Reply:I can't tell you exactly because it depends on what compiler you are using and I don't remember exactly, but what you are looking for is how to compile without dependencies.

For certain compilers and frameworks (usually the microsoft ones) sometimes there will be DLL files you have no choice but distributing/using.

sending flowers

Messenger wont install caus it can't find my kernel32 in DLL library?!?

Error Could not load the DLL library C:\WINNT\kernel32.dll The specified module could not be found,thus it wont allow me to install new messy and without the kernel shouldn't the system like not work? BTW i dont have administrator access to this pc :( help would be nice ty 4 ur time.

Messenger wont install caus it can't find my kernel32 in DLL library?!?
click on this link it will take you right to a free download for the kerne32 dll file your missing.

1. click donwload and click save and save it to you desk top or documents then go into 2. go to your start button rt click on it 3. click explore go to windows find the win32 file and save it in there it should fix your problem

Which is a part of the .NET framework?

a. .NET Enterprise servers

b. Class libraries

c. XML

d. All of the above

Which is a part of the .NET framework?
It is a question of semantics. My answer would be B, but you can also argue D. Depends on how narrowly you define "Framework".

Technically, there is XML support in the class libraries but that doesn't quite make it "part" of the .NET framework.

Error posted when trying to download messenger-cannot load DDL library?

Error when installing messenger: Could not load the DDL library C:\\Windows\kernel32.dll. the specified module could not be found

Error posted when trying to download messenger-cannot load DDL library?

download from that link.

If 30% of the people in a community use the library in one year, find these probabilities for a sample of 15?


a. at most 7 used the library

b. exactly 7 used the library

c. at least 5 used the library

If 30% of the people in a community use the library in one year, find these probabilities for a sample of 15?
To ESTIMATE this answer, 30% is close to 1/3. One-third of 15 is 5.

OR to figure it out more exactly...

30% of 15 = ?

"of" means multiply.

30% X 15 = ?

30% = 30/100 or 3/10

15 = 15/1

3/10 X 15/1 = 45/10 = 4.5

The probability is that out of 15 people, in one year, 4 and a half people will use the library. I feel sorry for that .5 person! :D

Of the choices listed, C is the closest.
Reply:the best answer is c if 30=100; 15=x; 15multiple by100 divide by 30=50
Reply:d. None of the above.

30% of 15 = 4.5. So, statistically, less than 5 people use the library. You have no standard deviation specified, so you cannot make a statement of "at most" or "at least". And 4.5 is certainly not equal to 7.

send flowers

Could not load DLL Library?

Here is the error that I am getting

"Could not load DLL Library C:\Docume~1\Owner\Locals~1\Temp\1283422\... The specified module could not be found"

Please help. This is the first time that Yahoo has been installed on this computer and I am not sure how to fix this issue. Thanks in advance for the help

Could not load DLL Library?
well if it is as you said it depend on:

1)Not having fast computer

2)not having fast internet connection

3)bad internet service from you country

4)A problem with you building

5)Having dangerous viruses

6)there is a fire wall protecting

7)You can pass from the firewall from this link:

8)you can tell the problem to:

9)Site might be too busy

10)yahoo is the busies site in the world so do not exept to do as fast as you want

11)a part of your compuer is damaged

12)clean the viruses by:

Northon 360 anti virus

13)hackers are in your computer and can do anything they like plz avoid them by just ignore or spam

14)if you ignore and then the list will come back the problem is not with not saving

15)reinstall the program

These are the things i have suggested and please be careful about the hackers


DLL Library?

Whenever I try to download Adobe Shockwave this message pops up:

"Could not load DLL library


(Get SystemWow64DirectoryA).

The Specified procedure could not be found."

Can Anyone help?

DLL Library?
Do search on Yahoo! for C:WINNT\systrm32\Kernel32.dll

It will most likely take you to a MicroSoft Website, and download the file into C:WINNT\systrm32\.

I'm surprised this isn't there, it's a standard Kernel. It may be corrupted so if you get an "Over-Write Message", click yes for the newest version.

This is weird, I work in INFOSEC and have never seen this one before.

Good Luck.

Mysterious folder after downloading sp2... is there a cure?

Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) occurred at PC=0x6D312033


Library=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\bin\jpiexp32.dll

NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error

just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible

reason and solutions.

Current Java thread:

at Method)

at sun.plugin.viewer.frame.IExplorerEmbedde... Source)

Dynamic libraries:

0x00400000 - 0x0049B000 C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

0x7C900000 - 0x7C9B0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

0x7C800000 - 0x7C8F5000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

0x77DD0000 - 0x77E6B000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

0x77E70000 - 0x77F01000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll

0x77F10000 - 0x77F57000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll

0x7E410000 - 0x7E4A0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll

0x77C10000 - 0x77C68000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt

Mysterious folder after downloading sp2... is there a cure?
Remove java using uninstall. Remove all installations. Restart the system. Delete the java files from your hd. (the stuff under c:\program files\java ... don't mess with anything in c:\windows !!)

Then go to and download and install the new java. It's free.

Good luck.
Reply:Sounds like the Java software got messed up with something in the update.

Go to Java's website and download and re-install the software and see if this fixes the problem.

Ok last time im going to try this. Im coming up with a undeclared identifier error in main. this is c++?



* Program name: Lab 10

* Author : Daniel J. Carr

* Date : December 10th, 2007

* Course/selection: CSC-110-003

* Program Description:





/************************** Compiler Directives **********************/

// libraries

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

/*********************** Global Data Declarations ********************/

/*************************** Function Prototype **********************/

void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);



* Function name: Main

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 10th, 2007

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Enter a float

* Chop it

* Output pieces



* Level 1

* -------

* Enter a float

* Display "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; "

* Input Chipmunk

* Chop it

* Call funtion chop to split chipmunk into head and tail

* Output Pieces

* Display "The whole number---%26gt; "%26amp; head %26amp; EOL

* Display "The Deciman number-%26gt; "%26amp; tail %26amp; EOL



int main()



float chipmunk;


cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; " %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; chipmunk;

//Call function chop

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

//Indicate successful termination of program

return 0;


//End main



* Function name: Chop

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 4th

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Chop it


* Level 1

* -------

* Chop it

* whole = int(number)

* Decimal =|number-whole|



void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail)


// Variables

// Arguements

chipmunk = head;

tail = abs(chipmunk-head);


Ok last time im going to try this. Im coming up with a undeclared identifier error in main. this is c++?
//Call function chop

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

Two problems

1) Main never calls the function chop (logic problem)

call chop(chipmunk,headmain,tailmain)

from the main program and declare variables headmain and tailmain in the main function. Also set headmain = 1 and tailmain = 1.f to avoid the variable is used without being set error.

2) In

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

you try to use the variables declared ONLY inside the chop function in the main program (ONLY within the chop function can the head and tail variables be used)

Just move these statements inside the chop function (IE at the end of it) and they should work :-)
Reply:"head" and "tail" are never declared in main(). You attempt to set them, but they don't have a type associated with them or anything.

Also in chop() you are setting chipmunk, not head.
Reply:You are trying to reference 2 varibles that have not been declared.

Make it look like this...


float chipmunk;

int head;

float tail;

Also, since 'abs' returns a double you should use the 'fabs' function instead.

2nd post:

Thats because you declared them, but not yet used them.


Every file I click reponds to an error box saying "cannot find file C/document/...ect. Make sure the path and

filename are correct and all required libraries are available. (This is on EVERY file I try to open!!) What do I do???

Every file I click reponds to an error box saying "cannot find file C/document/...ect. Make sure the path and
wierd. try oping the files in safemode, see if that works. if it does, you can retrieve your files for now and ask a professional to help fix your computer.

to turn on the computer in safemode, just turn it off. then turn it back on and hold down the f8 key for a little while. when you release it, a screen will pop up, use the arrows to scroll and select safe mode. now your computer will restart up in the most primitive, basic manner, so things will look a bit funny. now try and see if you can open your files. hope this works for you.
Reply:u have to insert your recovery cd and rebout ue intire computer and u will be lucky if it saves any of ur files/pics./stuff/etc.
Reply:Sounds like you may have some sort of virus... try a repair install of your OS, as well as a thorough virus and spyware scan

Where should I found original functions written for math.h ic C by Dennis Ritchie to find log or exponential?

I want the the code that is written to find logarithm exponential powers in math libraries.

please help me to locate them.

Where should I found original functions written for math.h ic C by Dennis Ritchie to find log or exponential?
U will find in the path

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include
Reply:Have fun. I've looked through VS2005's math.h and it is very difficult to follow. There are so many templates and macros it looks like they intentionally obfuscated the thing.

I guess I'm lazy though--in VS2005 you can just right-click a function and select "Find definition".

I keep getting a undeclared identifier error? c++?



* Program name: Lab 10

* Author : Daniel J. Carr

* Date : December 10th, 2007

* Course/selection: CSC-110-003

* Program Description:





/************************** Compiler Directives **********************/

// libraries

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

/*********************** Global Data Declarations ********************/

/*************************** Function Prototype **********************/

void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);



* Function name: Main

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 10th, 2007

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Enter a float

* Chop it

* Output pieces



* Level 1

* -------

* Enter a float

* Display "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; "

* Input Chipmunk

* Chop it

* Call funtion chop to split chipmunk into head and tail

* Output Pieces

* Display "The whole number---%26gt; "%26amp; head %26amp; EOL

* Display "The Deciman number-%26gt; "%26amp; tail %26amp; EOL



int main()



float chipmunk;


void chop (int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; " %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; chipmunk;

//Call function chop

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

//Indicate successful termination of program

return 0;


//End main



* Function name: Chop

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 4th

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Chop it


* Level 1

* -------

* Chop it

* whole = int(number)

* Decimal =|number-whole|



void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail)


// Variables

// Arguements

chipmunk = head;

tail = abs(chipmunk-head);


I keep getting a undeclared identifier error? c++?
In the future, if you get errors, please include the entire error text. It makes finding the problem much easier.

You declare chop twice with two different signatures:

void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);

void chop (int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);

The first one globally and the second inside main(). In C++, you are allowed to have multiple versions of a function with different parameters, so this does not generate an error at first.

Later you implement only the first signature. If you call the shorter version of chop() in main(), you are calling the one that does not exist.

Remove the declaration of chop() in main()

void chop (int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);

Now, using only the global declaration everything should be OK. You may get a compiler error if your calling code did not match the declaration. This should be easy to fix.
Reply:hey Dan

this is the3 same script site i reffered earlier hope it did help you, checjk that again

Daniweb is my favorite, this guys know C/C++, I hope that helps you


good luck man
Reply:perhaps there is a variable you use in the code that you havent had pre-declared.

What am I doing wrong here in my c++ ?



* Program name: Lab 10

* Author : Daniel J. Carr

* Date : December 10th, 2007

* Course/selection: CSC-110-003

* Program Description:





/************************** Compiler Directives **********************/

// libraries

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

/*********************** Global Data Declarations ********************/

/*************************** Function Prototype **********************/

void chop(float chipmunk, int%26amp; head, float%26amp; tail);



* Function name: Main

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 10th, 2007

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Enter a float

* Chop it

* Output pieces



* Level 1

* -------

* Enter a float

* Display "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; "

* Input Chipmunk

* Chop it

* Call funtion chop to split chipmunk into head and tail

* Output Pieces

* Display "The whole number---%26gt; "%26amp; head %26amp; EOL

* Display "The Deciman number-%26gt; "%26amp; tail %26amp; EOL



int main()



float chipmunk;

int head;

float tail;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; " %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; chipmunk;

//Call function chop

void chop(int%26amp; head, float%26amp; tail);

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

//Indicate successful termination of program

return 0;


//End main



* Function name: Chop

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 4th

* Function Description:




* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Chop it


* Level 1

* -------

* Chop it

* whole = int(number)

* Decimal =|number-whole|



void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head, float%26amp;tail)


// Variables

// Arguements

chipmunk = head;

tail = abs(chipmunk-head);


What am I doing wrong here in my c++ ?
I haven't studied this too carefully, but this line doesn't do what you think it does:

//Call function chop

void chop(int%26amp; head, float%26amp; tail);

You're not calling the function that you declare later in the file. You should call it this way:

chop(chipmunk, head, tail);

Also your chop function doesn't do what you think it does. You're assigning head to chipmunk but there's nothing in head when it is called.

garden centre

What am I doing wrong here in my c++?



* Program name: Lab 10

* Author : Daniel J. Carr

* Date : December 10th, 2007

* Course/selection: CSC-110-003

* Program Description:





/************************** Compiler Directives **********************/

// libraries

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

/*********************** Global Data Declarations ********************/

/*************************** Function Prototype **********************/

void chop(float chipmunk, int%26amp; head, float%26amp; tail);



* Function name: Main

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 10th, 2007

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Enter a float

* Chop it

* Output pieces



* Level 1

* -------

* Enter a float

* Display "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; "

* Input Chipmunk

* Chop it

* Call funtion chop to split chipmunk into head and tail

* Output Pieces

* Display "The whole number---%26gt; "%26amp; head %26amp; EOL

* Display "The Deciman number-%26gt; "%26amp; tail %26amp; EOL



int main()



float chipmunk;

int head;

float tail;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; " %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; chipmunk;

//Call function chop

void chop(int%26amp; head, float%26amp; tail);

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt;%26amp; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt;%26amp; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

//Indicate successful termination of program

return 0;


//End main



* Function name: Chop

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 4th

* Function Description:




* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Chop it


* Level 1

* -------

* Chop it

* whole = int(number)

* Decimal =|number-whole|



void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head, float%26amp;tail)


// Variables

// Arguements

chipmunk = head;

tail = abs(chipmunk-head);


What am I doing wrong here in my c++?
dude I hope this will help you. I think the Scripts website has answer
Reply:Try this instead:

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;
Reply:I would like to help but a part of a classroom assignment is to make you learn this on your own without having someone answer it for you. There are several ways to do this simple assignment. There are predefined functions that do this for you. I would assume your professor wants you to write some code that doesn't user predefined functions. I would think text.

I guess ill go for another shot, c++ now im getting two warnings and I ingore them and it give me a werid answ



* Program name: Lab 10

* Author : Daniel J. Carr

* Date : December 10th, 2007

* Course/selection: CSC-110-003

* Program Description:





/************************** Compiler Directives **********************/

// libraries

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;iomanip%26gt;

#include %26lt;cmath%26gt;

using namespace std;

/*********************** Global Data Declarations ********************/

/*************************** Function Prototype **********************/

void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail);



* Function name: Main

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 10th, 2007

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Enter a float

* Chop it

* Output pieces



* Level 1

* -------

* Enter a float

* Display "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; "

* Input Chipmunk

* Chop it

* Call funtion chop to split chipmunk into head and tail

* Output Pieces

* Display "The whole number---%26gt; "%26amp; head %26amp; EOL

* Display "The Deciman number-%26gt; "%26amp; tail %26amp; EOL



int main()



float chipmunk;


int head;

float tail;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a floating point number----%26gt; " %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cin %26gt;%26gt; chipmunk;

//Call function chop

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

//Indicate successful termination of program

return 0;


//End main



* Function name: Chop

* Author: Daniel J. Carr

* Date: December 4th

* Function Description:


* Pseudocode:

* Level 0

* -------

* Chop it


* Level 1

* -------

* Chop it

* whole = int(number)

* Decimal =|number-whole|



void chop(float chipmunk,int%26amp; head,float%26amp; tail)


// Variables

// Arguements

head = chipmunk;

tail = fabs(chipmunk-head);


I guess ill go for another shot, c++ now im getting two warnings and I ingore them and it give me a werid answ
Problem is here:

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The whole number----%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; head %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The Decimal number--%26gt; "%26lt;%26lt; tail %26lt;%26lt; endl;

You are using head and tail before calling the function that initializes the variables. Here they would just contain garbage.

How can I supply the compiler with paths to the include files and libraries?

I am new to Qt and I can't include the Qapplication header. I am using Xcode on mac osx, and MS visual C++ 2005 on windows xp.

How can I supply the compiler with paths to the include files and libraries?
Can't speak for M$ products because I'm such an M$ hater but I would say read the documentation and help files about including files. Xcode uses the GCC compiler which I am familiar with. From the command line you use -I %26lt;path%26gt; and -L %26lt;path%26gt;. If you are using an IDE you can compile from then you'll just have to read the documentation about projects in that.


1.Describe your involvement with the design of what you currently work on – were the designs provided in detail by 3rd parties, a lead or an architect?

2please tell me what patterns you have used and please give me the name:Architectural patterns Fundamental patterns Creational patterns Structural patterns Behavioral patterns Concurrency patterns

3Have you used design patterns specific to .NET? if so, please list

4.Write a function that would: return the 5th element from the end in a singly linked list of integers, in one pass, and then provide a set of test cases against that function. Please do not to use existing class libraries for this question. Thanks!

Please do your own homework.
Reply:jesus that's a lot of questions after questions, do i get paid for this?

flower show

Are there any C# .Net programmers in North Andover, Massachusetts?

Want to form a study group, or localized support group? Perhaps meet in person say on a monthly basis, share code, common libraries etc?

Are there any C# .Net programmers in North Andover, Massachusetts?
I was thinking they were called D flats.

Is there a Borland C++ compiler that does'nt use DOS?

I am trying to find a windows program that can use all the libraries as borland, like conio.h, to program out of DOS.

Is there a Borland C++ compiler that does'nt use DOS?
Borland C++ 4.5 or Borland C++ 5 will get the job done, however these are older compilers so I don't know if you can get hold of them.

PC Plus magazine gave them away free on cover disks about 4 years ago.

How do I see the memory address on my computer of like libraries and the stack and heap and stuff?

Can I make a C program details? Can someone tell me how to do this I don't exactly know what I Am doing but I would like to see memory addresses?

How do I see the memory address on my computer of like libraries and the stack and heap and stuff?
Well you can see memory addresses of variables in C using the reference operator '%26amp;', eg:

int i = 10;

cout %26lt;%26lt; %26amp;i;

Will show you the memory address of variable i instead of the value.

In C++, what exactly is namesapce std, in relation to header files, like iostream.?

I know "using namespace std;" is necessary for using cout, cin. And if you did not use "using namespace std;" you would have to write for example std::cout, etc.

But is "using namespace std;" just for use with iostream, or does it apply to ALL of the functions in ALL the libraries?

So, even if I'm not using iostream, do I have to use "using namespace std;" if I don't want to start every function name with "std::function"?

Thanks guys.

In C++, what exactly is namesapce std, in relation to header files, like iostream.?
%26gt;%26gt; But is "using namespace std;" just for use with iostream, or does it apply to ALL of the functions in ALL the libraries?

std is one of the namespaces in the io header file.

A "namespace" is a grouping of classes that are all related to performing a specific task. In the case of std, that namespace applies to the "standard" input / output (I /O) devices -- namely, the keyboard and the screen. All the classes in the IO header that apply to sending data to the screen or accepting it from the keyboard -- including cin and cout -- are contained in the std namespace.

%26gt;%26gt; So, even if I'm not using iostream, do I have to use "using namespace std;" if I don't want to start every function name with "std::function"?

If you don't intend to accept keyboard input or send output to the screen, no, you do not need to include the IO header nor call the std namespace.
Reply:Using C++ Library Headers

You include the contents of a standard header by naming it in an include directive, as in:

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt; /* include I/O facilities */

You can include the standard headers in any order, a standard header more than once, or two or more standard headers that define the same macro or the same type.

A C++ library header includes any other C++ library headers it needs to define needed types. (Always include explicitly any C++ library headers needed in a translation unit—for proper compilation, to avoid your guessing wrong about its actual dependencies.) In contrast, a Standard C header never includes another standard header. A standard header declares or defines only the entities described for it in this document.

Every function in the library is declared in a standard header. Unlike in Standard C, the standard header never provides a masking macro, with the same name as the function, that masks the function declaration and achieves the same effect.


All names other than operator delete and operator new in the C++ library headers are defined in the std namespace, or in a namespace nested within the std namespace. You refer to the name cin, for example, as std::cin.

Note, however, that macro names are not subject to namespace qualification, so you always write __STD_COMPLEX without a namespace qualifier. In some translation environments, including a C++ library header may hoist external names declared in the std namespace into the global namespace as well, with individual using declarations for each of the names. Otherwise, the header does not introduce any library names into the current namespace.

The C++ Standard requires that the C Standard headers declare all external names in namespace std, then import them into the global namespace with individual "Using" declarations for each of the names. But in some translation environments the C Standard headers include no namespace declarations, declaring all names directly in the global namespace. Thus, the most portable way to deal with namespaces is to follow two rules:

1.) To assuredly declare in namespace std an external name that is traditionally declared in %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;, for example, include the header %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;. Know that the name might also be declared in the global namespace.

2) To assuredly declare in the global namespace an external name declared in %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;, include the header %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt; directly. Know that the name might also be declared in namespace std.

Thus, if you want to call std::abort() to cause abnormal termination, you should include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;. And if you want to call abort(), you should include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;.

Alternatively, you can write the declaration:

using namespace std;

which imports all library names into the current namespace. If you write this declaration immediately after all include directives, you bring the names into the global namespace. You can subsequently ignore namespace considerations in the remainder of the translation unit. You also avoid most dialect differences across different translation environments.

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, you may not define names in the std namespace, or in a namespace nested within the std namespace.


phone cards

Any experts on c++? please help?

I keep getting the following errors: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct IDirect3DTexture9 * * spriteArray" (?spriteArray@@3PAPAUIDirect3DTexture9@@...

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "struct IDirect3DTexture9 * * spriteArray" (?spriteArray@@3PAPAUIDirect3DTexture9@@... referenced in function "bool __cdecl Game_Init(struct HWND__ *)" (?Game_Init@@YA_NPAUHWND__@@@Z)

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct ID3DXSprite * Sprite_Handler" (?Sprite_Handler@@3PAUID3DXSprite@@A)

what am i doing wrong? do i need additional libraries?

please help!

Any experts on c++? please help?
Unresolved externals mean that you're calling a function that isn't defined in your code anywhere, and the linker also can't find it in any of the libraries you've specified.

Looks like those are DirectX symbols, so I'd guess you need to add the DirectX libraries to your project. I'm not at my Windows machine to check, but there's presumably a .lib for DirectX somewhere on your system to link against.

Check out the DX examples on if it's not obvious what to do.
Reply:It would help if you orginized the code, and the problem could possibly lie within your compiler, not your code. By the way it would help if you posted the code on a ftp server and posted the address.
Reply:You are missing some libraries (one or more) You must have included a proper .h file or you would have compile time errors, so find the h file that has those api's and structures defined and see if they can give you a hint as to the library(dll or lib) that your missing and then include that in the project settings.
Reply:Check out this discussion of how to link to DirectX 9: It talks about the libraries and include paths.

C++ Powers help?

Idk how to put powers in a program.^ doesn't work.

does anyone know why? Is it my libraries?:

#include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;windows.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;math.h%26gt;

C++ Powers help?
If your using math.h you don't need to add the math. in there, it's only for the .NET framework.

Just use pow(x, y);

remeber it runs using floating point numbers so don't go sticking in integers there unless you want errors.
Reply:math.pow(x, 2)

Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i fix firefox runtime error?

recently, i receive a c++ library runtime error with firefox and program closes when trying to load the ask a question page on yahoo! answers. how do i fix this?

How do i fix firefox runtime error?
You should go here to get your browser specific questions answered.
Reply:try uninstalling it, rebooting , then reinstalling and getting all the updates.

I just wrote this with firefox.

Are prosecutors just harassing because she is Paris Hilton?

they're always trying to fakely fool people like they're really being equal harassing celebs, come on, guess because celeb doesn't mean have high level corrupt connections, these wealthy girls in houston (harris county, last name Dunn) convicted of armed robbery gave probation and have to shelve books in a/c library and tutor, how come they don't mow lawns? like a david medina corrupt district judge put by rick perry and bush failed breathalyzer fake trial and dropped case; also a fed issue, robert blake's attorney even said county jails worse conditions and rights (worse for health, fed issue) than state and federal pens (hot checks worse crime than state or fed felonies), as anyone knows if Paris Hilton was related to a corrupt cop (child, relative or friend) wouldn't have even been charged as well as jailed, cops' kids worst delinquents and drug dealers (pushers) and notorious criminal offenders, that's a proveable fact

Are prosecutors just harassing because she is Paris Hilton?
no, they are just slapping down another celebutante who thinks she is above the law because of her fame and wealth...every now and then, the police have to make an example out of one of them...
Reply:No. She is an American icon (rolling eyes). If she wants to stay that way she needs set an example and not use her celebrity status for promoting bad behavior. She should be held to the same standard as everyone else. If not more so. I am getting so tired of these celebs getting so much publicity for their slutty drunken shock factors to get noticed. Maybe that would be a reason to just ignore her more.
Reply:im pissed she didnt get the death penalty.

stupid whore is a threat to everyone on the roads.
Reply:They should put her in jail for longer than 45 days! If I never see her antics again it will be too soon! She violated the law and is no better than a "normal" just because she has a different career or has a rich family!

everything you said is right and i feel that all of them even the bush girls should and some day will get what is coming to them. my worry is that they are so ready to put the no body's behind bars faster than the some body's. they will put someone like you and me in jail or prison for almost nothing.they say that they will give us a lawyer if we can not afford one then give us some junior lawyer who doesn't quite know how to wash his /her own behind, and then we go to jail for years for some of the most simple things told that what we did is a crime,and it could be something like what Paris did D.U.I. we would get some months or a few years, she only has to do 45 day she need to get over it and just do the day.
Reply:45 days in the hole, lol good for her,and jail is what it is
Reply:Do the crime-do the time. No matter what your last name is.
Reply:Probably not - if it was you or I that were convicted of the same offence we'd get considerably longer in jail.
Reply:That is the reason that they should harass her. She is the role model of alot of simple minded kids, and maybe some adults. They should throw the book at her. So that those people that admire her will know that drinking and driving is illegal.
Reply:While I would agree that someone as idiotic as Paris Hilton should be harassed at every opportunity, the law is probably trying to stay on the straight and narrow. They don’t need the negative press.

There is nothing so stupid as the educated man if you get him off the thing he was educated in. - Will Rogers
Reply:She isn't above the law and just doesn't want to go to jail for violating it twice. She has already been found guilty, and asking Arnold for a pardon is a ridiculous request.
Reply:I will be disappointed if she does not serve any time at all.
Reply:She repeatedly violated the law. She's well into adulthood, and should know better. DUI drivers kill people and need to be stopped. Now she's whining like a teenager about taking her punishment. I can't wait 'til they put her in stir.

As for your provable facts, prove it.
Reply:Might not be a bad idea if they threw her parents in jail too! They created that monster, didn't they?
Reply:Maybe they just want to be in her next bootleg video on the net?
Reply:She broke the law didn't she? What do you think would happen if you did the same thing? Ask the other people in jail.
Reply:no...she showed contemp for the law by continuing to drive after being sentenced not to...she deserves what she got


Where can I search for a book's Dewey decimal number by inputting its ISBN number?

I have been promised by wikipedia that this website ( will do just that, but when I input an ISBN number, I don't see that it shows the Dewey decimal number anywhere. Any other websites you know that will give this information would be great.

Where can I search for a book's Dewey decimal number by inputting its ISBN number?
Check out look in the bookstore area and you will find links there also you may try, this is On-line Computer Library Center based in Columbus Ohio. If you can't search OCLC then submit to them and they should be able to offer answers.
Reply:University libraries and your more attentive public libraries will have on their on-line card catalog a "deatiled" or "staff view" when you look at an entry for a particular book. You local librarian should be able to help, as sometimes the staff view can be particularly meaningless if you don't know the Library of Congress orders of information.

The only caveat to this advice is that the library has to have the book in order for that information to be there.

Perhaps the best information is available via the Library of Congress itself, as their catalog provides ISBN, Dewey, and LOC numbers under the tab "Full Record" when you find your book. Check that out, yo!

How to get rid of the error-buffer under run detected?

My internet explorer after running for sometime gives an error -Buffer underrun detected ,visual c++ library . any help will be appreciated.

How to get rid of the error-buffer under run detected?
Sounds like memory corruption to me. Try swapping the memory and see if that helps.

Which of these UK public workers do you have most respect for?

A, Ambulance workers.

B, Fire officers.

C, Library Staff.

D, Lollipop (school crossing patrol) men/women.

E, Nurses.

F, Police officers.

G, Psychiatrists.

H, Teachers.

I, Traffic wardens.

Could you give each a mark from 1-10 with 10 being the one you most respect. You can just use the number and corresponding letter for each.

Which of these UK public workers do you have most respect for?
10 - Fireofficers

09 - Ambulance workers

08 - Teachers

07 - Police Officers

06 - Lollipop

05 - Nurses

04 - Traffic Wardens

03 - Library staff

02 - psychiarists
Reply:the most i respect are H) teachers 9/10

because these people are the very reason those other people are the ones you have mentioned. They give us an education so we can earn a living, help others and other things and make a difference, so we can actually have a good life. That's why I despise people who are disrespectful to them, especially kids/teens, because those kids have no idea how important they are and what they are doing for them. (by the way, i am thirteen yrs old myself)

A: 9

B: 9

C: 2

D: 2

E: 8

F: 7

G: 6

H: 9

I : 5
Reply:A 10

B 10

C 1

D 1

E 8

F 2

G 7

H 4

I 1

J 4
Reply:A, Ambulance workers.....10

B, Fire officers.....10

C, Library Staff.....3

D, Lollipop (school crossing patrol) men/women.....5

E, Nurses.....10

F, Police officers...1

G, Psychiatrists......7

H, Teachers......8

I, Traffic wardens....2

J, Street Cleaners......7
Reply:all except politicians








i=minus 10
Reply:for me teachers,ambulance,nurses and fire workers are tops.But I feel sorry for the great police officers who would be up there if it wasn't for the bad ones that let them down(very hard job being police I know but no excuse for some of the bad behaviour by the people who are meant to protect ALL of the people in this country)Also a special shout out to all the traffic wardens out there-I know it's not popular but I love what you do and the more tickets you issue the better.Drivers call you under-hand and devious but look at what they try and do to park for free!!!!!! So my list is.........................




then the rest
Reply:1 Library Staff

2 Traffic wardens

3 Teachers

4 Psychiatrists

5 Lollipop people

6 Police officers

7 Nurses

8 Fire Officers

9 Ambulance workers

There are only 9. i respect all of the above, but i have more respect for those who continually face violence, whilst trying to help the public,in their day to day jobs.
Reply:Ambulance workers 10

Fire officers 10

Library staff 10

Lollipop 10

Nurses 10

Police officers 10

Psychiatrists 10

Teachers 10

traffic wardens 1

Everyone deserves respect apart from traffic wardens lol
Reply:Fire officers.








Reply:what about dinner ladies, they deserve 10 out of 10, a medal and a big pay rise
Reply:a, 10

b, 10

c, 7

d, 8




h, 9

i, 5
Reply:A, Ambulance workers. 10

B, Fire officers. 10

C, Library Staff. 1

D, Lollipop (school crossing patrol) men/women. 2

E, Nurses. 10

F, Police officers. 4

G, Psychiatrists. 3

H, Teachers. 6

I, Traffic warden 1.
Reply:A 10/10

B 10/10

C 8/10

D 8/10

E 10/10

F 9/10

G 8/10

H 8/10

I 5/10
Reply:What about the dustmen?
Reply:all 10 except b, 5 they brag about "a good fire" then moan about there pay and talk about the risk of fire
Reply:AT the moment I have to say teachers.I always used to moan about them but,since becoming a dinner lady 3 years ago,I now see what they do.
Reply:a - 6

b - 5

c - 4

d - 5.5

e - 6.5

f - 1

g - 7

h - 4.5

i - 6

there ya go!
Reply:A, Ambulance workers. 10

B, Fire officers. 9

C, Library Staff. 3

D, Lollipop (school crossing patrol) men/women. 9

E, Nurses. 10

F, Police officers. 6

G, Psychiatrists. 5

H, Teachers. 9

I, Traffic wardens. 0








i 10,000, i love tickets!


C 4

D 10













Reply:A 10. B 10. C 1 (it's just a job) D 4. E 5-10(depending on nurse). F 10. G 1 (dislike them) H 1-10 (depending on teacher) I 1 (again its just a job)

Top marks go to Ambulance, Fire and Police as they all do something I couldn't do (I've seen the down sides of their jobs)and 75% of the time are given very little recognition or respect.
Reply:10 for Ambulance workers.

10 for Fire officers.

3 for Library Staff. (I've got crabby ones at my library)

5 for Lollipop men/women.

9 for Nurses.

9 for Police officers.

? for Psychiatrists.

6 for Teachers (some schools have good teachers while some crap)

7 for Traffic wardens

4 for dustbin men (ours just does not always pick up any litter that they have spilt out of the bins while loading into their trucks)
Reply:I value all of them equally







h=10 as they have to be all of the above when working with children %26amp; parents










mmm trick question only 9 there will add social workers and give them the 3









9.psychiatrists officers


6.ambulance workers

5.police officers

4.street cleaners


2.traffic wardens

1.library staff (gerrr all those shhhhhhhhh's )







