Monday, May 24, 2010

1). Dev-C++. After Compile & Run, final result doesn't show up, even with: cin.get();?

2). What kind of changes have to be done so this code to become executable:

The Code

All of the following is done in python, with the numpy

library, so don't forget to

from numpy import *

Full source code.

First, we need to transform the matrix of outgoing

links into one of incoming links, while preserving the

number of outgoing links per page and identifying leaf


def transposeLinkMatrix(

outGoingLinks = [[]]



Transpose the link matrix. The link matrix

contains the pages each page points to.

However, what we want is to know which pages

point to a given page. However, we

will still want to know how many links each

page contains (so store that in a separate array),

as well as which pages contain no links at all

(leaf nodes).

@param outGoingLinks outGoingLinks[ii]

contains the indices of pages pointed to by page ii

@return a tuple of (incomingLinks,

numOutGoingLinks, leafNodes)


nPages = len(outGoingLinks)

# incomingLinks[ii]

1). Dev-C++. After Compile %26amp; Run, final result doesn't show up, even with: cin.get();?
Check to see if there is any error or warning which might be causing that.
Reply:Try to run the exe file (of your compiled program) from command prompt .

start -%26gt; run -%26gt; command


start -%26gt; run -%26gt; cmd

cd %26lt;path%26gt; //your program folder

ProgramFile (press enter)

see , whether you get output or error

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