Monday, May 24, 2010

Help with C++ program! (use structure)?

I need to write a program that will serve as a library. The program will contain a structure called library and also contain the following variables - book name, catalog numberm, fiction or non fiction, and author. The structure will declare 3 objects, book1 , book 2 and book 3. The program will input all the information for the variables and output to the screen.

Could someone please help me to setup the structure part ?

Help with C++ program! (use structure)?
//I hope you mean for this to be a struct and not a class:

//just start with the struct{.....}

struct bookInfo {

string bkName;

int catNum; //could be float if decimal system

bool isFiction; /* Is this book fiction? TRUE or FALSE */

string authLName;

string authFName; };

/*you can declare book1, book2, and book3 inside your program like so*/

bookInfo book1;

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